

28 de abril de 2021








When we have a guarantor, he becomes our safeguard.




                                        IF we could understand exactly what happened in Paradise and the loss of relationship we had with God, we would run and remain in his presence never to do what Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden again. Perhaps by means of this example I will clarify it a little more: when we are going to make a mortgage, the first guarantor before the bank is the real estate itself. But, we have to bring a couple more people who with their houses guarantee that we will pay the economic commitment that we are acquiring with the bank. If at any time we fail, the bank will take away the property and claim the money from our guarantees, therefore, we acquire a perpetual commitment to those who have been our guarantors of life. Something similar happens with our lives: from the moment we are born our guarantor or guarantor of life is God himself, but at some point we fail and immediately give our guarantee of life to the adversary. For this reason, we begin to oppress and subjugate others as reflected in the biblical narratives. Christ died for us to give us freedom and not so that we live subject to anything or anyone. Of course, we are not expected to be the ones to subdue others.


"But it will not be so among you, but whoever wants to become great among you will be your servant,"


Mark 10. 43


Hence the importance of never forgetting where we came from. Many went through drugs, alcohol, an immoral life, in short, everyone knows what they have lived. But remembering that we have been rescued from hell and now we enjoy the peace and tranquillity that only exists in God's Heaven, it makes life easier for others, they will also live it. But when religiosity absorbs and oppresses us, it makes us forget the hole from which we have come. But giving ourselves to others and putting them first in service will help us to be an example for others.


"And whoever of you wants to be first, he will be the servant of all."


Mark 10. 44



Serving is easier than we think. In many cases, a smile will be enough in a moment of anguish to transmit the power of the Holy Spirit. Sharing coffee with a friend and giving good advice will help us spread the kingdom of Christ. How about giving a heartbroken hug a hug? Or what if we visited the elderly and orphans? It is not necessary to wear a robe or cassock to serve, it is necessary to have a willing heart and God will provide the rest.


God bless you.




God bless you and bring revelation into your life of the Mind of Christ that is already in you. Remember to acquire the book: "HOW TO UNDERSTAND THAT PRIESTHOOD PRODUCES IN ME MAN", through this link:





If you want us to be praying for you, send us your request through social networks or through these contacts.


web: https://www.agopla.com/

email: agopla1976@gmail.com

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/alfonso-gomez-plaza 

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God bless you and always bring revelation into your life of the Mind of Christ that is already in you.


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