

6 de mayo de 2021








We will never give God the best of ourselves if it is not through a divine gift called “excellence”.




                        EXCELLENCE, according to the RAE (Royal Academy of the Spanish Language) is something or someone of superior quality or goodness that makes it worthy of singular appreciation and esteem. We find several verses that tell us that there is only one righteous and this is Christ, therefore we cannot pretend to believe that we are excellent in everything we do, we simply do the best we can. Another measure in which we usually make a big mistake is to consider that the quality of our work should be equally imitated by all (if we believe that we are worthy of such a high distinction). Therefore, this will cause in us frustration and obviously conflict with the people around us because each human being is a world apart and although God treats his Church in a general way, when dealing with the human being, he is very specific. When Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem triumphantly, all the people around him set their hearts on him and gave him the best that each one had.



"And they brought the colt to Jesus, and threw his cloaks on it, and he sat on it."


Mark 11. 7


For city dwellers, I would like to comment that equestrian animals smell bad when they sweat, can we imagine what that smell will be like in these animals in the middle of the desert? The donkey on which Jesus of Nazareth would ride would be no exception. So the disciples gave him the best saddle they had their own coats. In the same way, the people around them, they wanted to praise those who they considered that, humanly, it would be their new king of Israel who would evict the Romans from his lands. Therefore, with high expectations, they gave the best of themselves, although eight days later, they will condemn the Son of God.


"Many also spread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees, and spread them on the road."


Mark 11. 8



Today we would talk about the red carpet being extended to Jesus Christ. And it is that when we have the opportunity to try, see and have a life close to Christ, we lack details to thank him for all that he has done and for all that he is going to do in our future. A life completely dedicated to him is the least we usually do at best. In other cases, we may give part of our time from time to time. I am not here to decide how much we have to dedicate or do, but whatever we do, we have to give the best of each one of us, because at the end of the day, we are giving God the service that he deserves.


God bless you.





God bless you and bring revelation into your life of the Mind of Christ that is already in you. Remember to acquire the book: "HOW TO UNDERSTAND THAT PRIESTHOOD PRODUCES IN ME MAN", through this link:





If you want us to be praying for you, send us your request through social networks or through these contacts.


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email: agopla1976@gmail.com

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God bless you and always bring revelation into your life of the Mind of Christ that is already in you.





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