

31 de mayo de 2021







We cannot try to read literally all of the scripture...




                                        WITHIN the amounts of words translated from the scriptures, we will find many that will bring confusion to our western mentality. When reading the word of God, we will have to understand that some books were written in Hebrew, others in Greek and later translated into Spanish with its different nuances, something that does not usually happen in their translation into English. Perhaps the word hate is one of them. On the one hand, we usually have the concept that this word is contrary to love. If we seek help, when looking in the dictionary it will say that to hate is to dislike someone or something. However, when we see the etymology of the word we find: from the late Latin abhorrescĕre which is: to move away, to move away, to avoid. For this case, that we are talking about the supremacy and importance of loving God above all things, we will understand abhorrence as distancing ourselves from everything that may prevent us from giving him all the love that God asks for.


“And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the main commandment.”


Mark 12. 30


That "everything" is a word with which we must have a special treatment. As human beings, we avoid the absolutism of "everything" and enter into negotiations with what we should not possibly do. "All" in this case means 100% and not 99.99%. What we must reflect on is about that 0.1% that keeps us from giving everything to God, and yes that 0.1% is what we should hate. The other aspect to keep in mind is that if that tiny percentage is what prevents me from loving others, what are we going to do?


“And the second is similar: You shall love your neighbour as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.”


Mark 12. 31



Hating everything that takes us away from God also means giving ourselves the opportunity to begin to love others. In today's society, which is saturated by the Covid restriction measures, it will increasingly need the manifestations of the children of God to demonstrate that we really love God 100% as much as we love our neighbours 100% as much as ourselves.


God bless you.





God bless you and bring revelation into your life of the Mind of Christ that is already in you. Remember to acquire the book: "HOW TO UNDERSTAND THAT PRIESTHOOD PRODUCES IN ME MAN", through this link:





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God bless you and always bring revelation into your life of the Mind of Christ that is already in you.

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