29 de junio de 2024




As Christians, we must take care of earthly problems. The problems of eternity will be taken care of by God.

    IT is very easy to fall into the trap of complacency. That is to say, many Christians find it difficult to live a proper lifestyle, because they consider that feeling attacked, persecuted or criticised is a way of gaining merit before our God, but this lifestyle is counterproductive, therefore, it is not something worth imitating. I know that many biblical texts advise what to do when we are being persecuted and that we can cry out to God for the rest that God gives us. For me, I understand that the problem is that when we as Christians sit on the Throne of God to judge, criticise and condemn the rest of mankind, we earn trouble and enemies unnecessarily, thus starting persecution and harassment towards us, but it was provoked by ourselves. Then, before God and the congregation, we seek His "approval" because, supposedly, the world is unjust and rejects the message of the Good News of Salvation. But, looking at the above, that persecution was instigated by our complacency and has nothing to do with the real persecution that exists against God and against the Gospel of Christ.

“When they heard it, they lifted up their voices with one accord in prayer to God: "Sovereign Gon, creator of heaven and earth, of the sea and all that is in them, you, through the Holy Spirit, have given us the power to persecute God and the Gospel of Christ,

through the Holy Spirit you said on the lips of our father David, your servant, 'Why do the nations revolt and the peoples conspire in vain?”

Acts 4, 24-25

Let us pray together: Heavenly Father, I cannot deny that I am robbing you of your glory and majesty, for, I constantly sit on your Throne of Justice and impart my justice, criticism and condemnation, but in the Name of Christ, I ask your forgiveness for my attitude and I beg you, help me to think and act like Jesus of Nazareth who did know how to act correctly and until the last moment, kept his calm and answered the woman: "even I do not condemn you" and thus, saved a soul and gave her the freedom she so desperately needed.

Let's be clear if there is a hellish work to destroy the Church of Christ. In the same way, many demonic forces are swarming to stop the power of the Gospel of Christ from advancing and/or blocking, because they are simply not interested in seeing the salvation of souls. A good example of this is the current laws that call evil as good and good as evil, distorting God's original image of His creation in opposition to this, the Church of Christ must act against it through prayer, fasting and vigil, thus, the whole Church of Christ must rise up and oppose it so that, from the heavenly spheres, the necessary spiritual wars are waged (let us remember that spiritual wars are legal judgments and not angels fighting with clean swords against demons) therefore, just as it happened to the apostles, we will have to endure persecution for the rebellion of the nations. Thus, when it is because of our bad habits that we earn persecution, we should not complain, but change the way we behave, for, whether we like it or not, we are priests who represent God before human beings, just as we represent all the souls of mankind before God.

“The kings of the earth rebel and the rulers plot against God and against his Anointed.”

Acts 4, 26

Let us pray together: Jesus of Nazareth, you are the best example of what to do and how to act rightly before God and all mankind. In Your Holy Name, I beg You to allow me to expand my mentality and thus, allow Your Mind to act in me, for I am tired of doing things my own way, but rather, I desire to do the will of my Heavenly Father which is good, pleasing and perfect; thereby, reaching more souls and thus, bringing peace to this humanity that needs it so much, for You Jesus of Nazareth, gave Yourself for all humanity and so that all human beings, today enjoy Your earthly and super-earthly salvation.


From the pastor of Way of Life, Robert Barriger I learned: "As Christians let us make tables that unite and tear down the walls that we make to separate mankind from God". In the New Testament, there is a word that is in disuse on our part and that is Pontiff (Heb. 4:14). The word Pontiff is only found in the Old King James Version. Today, we speak of the High Priest. But, for that matter, the Pontiff is the bridge builder. What a pity that today, it has become obsolete to be bridge builders, to be "priests" in many cases hyper-religious that only hinder the good work of God over all mankind. Let us then be pontiffs, turning away from judgements, criticisms and condemnations of mankind, thus avoiding the opportunity to be persecuted and attacked for our evil ways. For only hell and demons rebel against God.

God bless you. Remember to share this text with as many people as possible.


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God bless you and always bring revelation into your life of the Mind of Christ that is already in you.

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